Grace (The Muddy Walrus)
Grace is a 4 year old Walrus dog (shar-pei/basset hound). Most days she is in the studio sleeping or barking at Ethan
Indy is a 1 year old Jack Russell mix rescue pup! She is a bit shy and can spook easily, but is friendly and learning to warm up to people. Will accept cheese tax.
Chloe is the sweetest and most gentle rescue dog. She overcame major trauma, as she suffered horrible abuse by her former owner, and is now living her best life. She was a foster dog, and her foster mom fell in love and she became another "foster fail." She is a cat magnet, yet her arch nemesis is a 6 lb cat.
Unlike Grace, she adores Ethan
Astro is an almost 2 year old Shiba Inu. He is the least food motivated dog but loves cheese. Every other dog in the studio is usually lying in his bed and he is happy to share. He is a little love.
Daisy is a Pembroke Welsh Corgi. She is a love bug and definite velcro dog. Daisy is totally food motivated, you could definitely lose a finger. She is an emotional support dog with extreme anxiety.
Valerie is a 2 year old Whippet whose greatest loves are running and naps. In that order. Then Isabel.
Valerie takes her role as a studio dog quite seriously. She performs new material inspections, supervises both wheel throwing and hand building workstations, and provides boops as needed to maintain high morale.